Thursday, February 12, 2009

News 12/02/2009

**National Institute for Health Research Central Commissioning Facility (NIHR CCF) have released new calls for two funding streams, in addition to the two previously advertised**

1. Product Development - Stream 2: i4i

Funding is at 100% and £150,000 p.a is typically available.

Submission deadline for outline proposals - 5pm, 3rd April 2009.

2. Future Product Development - Stream 3a (FPD3a)

Costs can be no more than 100,000 in total and a maximum of 75% funding is available.

* 1st Call is now closed.
* 2nd Call (FPD3a) - Submission deadline - 22nd May 2009
* 3rd Call (FPD3a) - Submission deadline - 18th September 2009

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